Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I recently read an article posted on KSL's web site about the state of Utah having the highest birthrate in the nation. Well, duh! And they drew the conclusion that part of the reason can be tied to the LDS Church. Another big duh!!!! Since when is any of this newsworthy? On the web site, a person can add comments to a story. This one had over two hundred! People screaming about how stupid it is for Mormons to always have big families and making the rest of the population support those kids through taxes etc. Then, of course you have the heated rebuttals and back and forth they go.

First, LDS people tend to have a very different view of children and their worth in a family unit. We also believe that God made the world with sufficient resources to sustain all His children that need to come to the earth. I am sick of people telling me how big of a family I should have. I don't try to tell them they should have more kids.

Second, while I don't have a problem with people posting a rebuttal, the least they could do is use kindness and empathy (read - understand their point of view) and stop calling names and acting like their opinion is the only one that matters. Of all the people on the earth, we have a greater responsibility to act Christ-like in all we do.


Lyle said...

I took a glance at that news story and comments myself...all the way from Texas.

From what I've seen (this article being the latest), there are too many people that will just spout off on any news article that has any ties or reference to the LDS Church.

It would be news if some other state surpassed Utah in the number of children/ size fo family. That's like saying "The sun rose in the east today...Just thought you might want to know..." The rebuttals are about as fruitless as, "Well I didn't ask to have the sun rise in the eat. I think Alpha Cintari ought to have a chance to rise from the north." or "All that sun ever does is heat things up and shine every where. I'm from Alaska and I can get along just fine without it...."

btw... welcome to the limelight. I will be sure to give your address out to all your new fanz.

Lyle said...

Wow....I should spell check more often

Pappy Yokum said...

I really like your analogies.

Luckily, the limelight only lasted for a very short time.