Such simple joy. Pure enthusiasm. All for the sake of a Thomas The Tank toy or a Curious George movie. If only I could bottle it up an’ sell in on the street corner – a person could make a fortune. And no pretenses. No disguisin’ or veilin’ ourselves to meet others’ approval. As adults, we have become deft at deception – fittin’ ourselves into the little molds created by our perception of others perceptions. Notice any irony in that?
A book I am currently a’readin’, “Primal Leadership”, skillfully promotes that it behooves us to become more transparent to others. To stop buildin’ facades and walls of mirrors around ourselves. In reality, what they are a’talkin’ about is true integrity. We live by principles and by so doin’, have no need for the smoke and mirrors acts in which we so commonly engage.
The worst thing about writin’ this diatribe is that I am probably more guilty of this that any reader that happens by. It’s like the scam artist that got all upset at the guy who led him on for weeks as if he was a’fallin’ for the scam only to turn the tables on him. You wasted all my precious time you *&%$#**@! Now, if only I could take my own advice and be able to say like Popeye, “I yam what I yam.”
Friday, October 13, 2006
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You dirty rotten scoundrel.
But if people start being transparent again, then where will the joy of deception go? You speak as though integrity matters.
Where would Wall Street, or Congressmen, or Kim Jong II be without smoke and mirrors?
Integrity? Did I really say that? You must be mistaken. Define "matters. And, I didn't speak, I only typed. I can not be held accountable for what my fingers do of their own free will.
Yes, it is the finger's fault. You are not to blame, Alas, you are the victim. If I had the money, I would send a bouquet of lawyers to your door to help you sue for damages, slander, and anything else they can come up with.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
• Apathy
• Lethargy
• Malaise
• Depression
• Aimlessness
Each of these are symptoms of the absence of a flame—no drive or desire.
These are indicators that a person has no commitment in their lives. Without commitments one cannot have passion. And without a passion one doesn't have a life!
If only we could be ourselves.
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for the comments. You, of all the adults I know, are less likely to try to fit in the mold set by others. You have great passion, my friend, and thus, lots of life in you. Keep up the good work!
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