Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Effects of Withdrawal

Sorrow of sorrows, I went this here entire World Series without observin’ even a minute of any game. I know, I hang my head in shame. But, at least I am man enough to admit it.

Now, I don’t watch much TV and when I do, it is usually the news. (Even though there isn’t much to report on in Dogpatch.) Sometimes, I watch some sports but not near as much as I did in the past. The sports has (gasp) fallen in priority with family and church responsibilities. That said, there are three particular sportin’ events I really enjoy a’watchin’. These are the World Series, college bowl games, and March Madness. They are only on during short, concentrated periods of time and so I figure I am being fairly realistic by limitin’ my moments of sports fanaticism to these relatively small moments.

So, when I miss the ENTIRE World Series, my body goes into convulsions and I find it hard to breathe correctly. Ok, so it isn’t that bad, I admit it. This one did hurt particularly bad, though. I was really pullin’ for the Cards (for Mammy, I’ll say Red Birds) and to not even see them play, I may never be the same. Please pray for a quick recovery – or at least a recovery.


Lyle said...

I too limit myself to the amount of sports that I watch or take interest in. I try to stay informed about college bowls and watch one or two each year, I occassionally take interest in the World Series ,(I was interested in the Tigers until the Kenny Rogers brown spot incident. I was also a "red birds" fan in my younger days. However, I just coud not bring myself to watch an entire game and the series was over before I knew it) and March Madness has never really held much interest for me.

I'll give as much as a sympathetic ear, but that's about as much as I can afford.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I'm afraid your readership fan club isn't going to be too terribly sympathetic.... Now if it were something you missed PLAYING in rather than just watching, that might be worth a little more violin playin'. Isn't it nice to have more important things taking up your time? Look at all the jack-o-lanterns and happy girls faces you have to show for it....

Pappy Yokum said...

I can't believe that a sympathetic ear is all you can afford to give. Surely there are words of wisdom of how to overcome my withdrawal symptoms. Get Lippi on it, I'm sure he has something to say on the matter. Not that I would understand it but hey, at least it would be something.

Pappy Yokum said...

I'm sorry but even happy girl faces aren't enough alone to combat the effects of "sports watching withdrawal." But,as they say, time heals all wounds.

Anonymous said...

oh man, just cry about it dad, lol.....isn't it so much more fun to hang around with us anyway? or are you trying to say you'd rather watch sports than play with your children?????! :(

Anonymous said...

haha, I know this is kind of off topic, but since I don't have my own, that's how it's going to be. So, first off, may I pretty please have a blog??! please please??? And second, IT'S FREEZING! back to the first...please? oh please? lyle help me out with this! convince him I should get a blog! You'd be my favorite person ever! haha

Lyle said...

Pappy- It looks like you've got your hands full of non-sympathizers. You might have to place your mourning on hold.

*Blogger wanna-be haha* said... Wait a second, I already am your favorite person ever. I firmly support whatever decision pappy or mammy make.

Pappy Yokum said...

Blogger wanna-be haha,
I don't know why you are crying and carrying on so much, I never said you couldn't have a blog.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it against blogging rules for one person to enter in under TWO different blogger names?

Better follow blogging rules if you want one of your own, my dear.

Either that or see a therapist to help out with the multiple personality issue (see phychology teacher for clarification).

Lyle said...

I'm better than a sandwich!- Don't you know that kind of whining has no effect upon the mighty likes of your folks.

Power to the pappy and mammy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween,

I don't watch sports events very often. I have played fantasy football and baseball and I know it is within me to be competitive--I've spent days and months building characters online in games like 'Diablo' and its successors.

Always up for a challenge, my burning passion is to master Java programming and the latest technologies like Ajax, JavaScript and XML.

Pappy Yokum said...

The withdrawal effects apply to any activity you really enjoy doing and then suddenly, the plug is pulled, so to speak.

Welcome to my blog and may a pregnant camel never give birth in your tent.

Lyle said...

I hope you're celebrating this momentous occasion of hitting double digits.

Anonymous said...

Lyle, how did you know about Ron's raise and that he was finally making double digits?! Uh, that's per year:) hee hee

Pappy Yokum said...

I hadn't thought about breaking the double digit barrier until you brought it up. Yea for me. Popping the fake champagne at this very moment.

The Internet Dark Ages said...

About your news comment. I refuse to listen to the nightly news. I find that is more propaganda and less objective no matter what they say it is.

Jack Johnson said it like this. We are in a world where "Truth is what you choose to believe." That is what I see from those I deal with. Sad it is.

I miss sport too. Too much to read.

Pappy Yokum said...

Well, the news here is more objective but most of it is is very local stuff. (Which means some of it is pretty trivial.) I'm usually out to see the weather and the sports that I missed earlier. :))