Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Whatever You Do, Don't Look In The Mirror

Have you ever had someone tell you something that just devestated your own view of yourself? Perhaps you think of yourself as really good at something and then along comes someone who would obviously be able to tell you if you are good at said thing and totally unsolicited makes a comment that ruins your assumption? Let me tell you, I doesn't feel good.

"How could this be?!!! " you scream in your head. Perhaps it is something you "thought" you had made a conscious effort to develop as part of your character. How do you now pick up the pieces of who you are and continue life as normal? Well, I reeeeeeallly want this attribute to be a part of who I am so I guess it is back to the old drawing board. Images of Wiley Coyote dance across the stage of my mind.

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